Tressel screenshot

Effortlessly send anything to your second brain (notes)

Tressel makes it easy to access the content/bookmarks you need to complement your reading, writing or research workflow inside your notes!

App screenshot
Pocket highlights saved
Reddit posts saved
Kindle highlights saved

The Problem

Saving | to your notes is tedious and slows down your workflow

A better way to send money.

Manually copy-pasting sucks

And sometimes isn't practical on mobile

Read-it-later apps don't export

You'd have to hack a solution with Zapier

Note-taking apps are too slow!

They're not suitable for quickly capturing things in the moment

Can't remember what you save

There's no system to resurface your content

The Solution

Save anything in a few clicks & auto-send to your notes

Plus, read it later in your own dashboard and get highlight emails so you remember what you save

Import your Kindle highlights

Automatically sync your Kindle highlights as you read without having to manually download them (via the Tressel chrome extension)

Customer profile user interface

Import your Pocket highlights

Automatically sync all of your highlights from articles you save in Pocket without leaving the app

“I chose Tressel because it syncs among the services I use most often to populate and manage my second brain. The notes it creates look great, and support is there if you need it.”

Doug Lester, Career Strategist
Inbox user interface

Import from Reddit

Save posts and comments by simply saving/bookmarking them or replying u/tresselapp save under a comment/post to save!

“Tressel is such an amazing tool that brilliantly simplifies the task of saving posts from Reddit directly into my second brain. Copying and pasting is a thing of the past. Well done and thank you!”

Mohammed Salim
Customer profile user interface

Import your Hacker News favourites

Automatically sync all of your favourites from posts/comments you favourite in Hacker News without leaving the website

Inbox user interface

Import your Instapaper highlights

Automatically sync your Instapaper highlights and notes by highlighting them in Instapaper (without leaving the app)

Customer profile user interface

Import your annotations/highlights

Automatically sync all of your highlights and annotations in by using the extension/site normally

Inbox user interface

Import your Raindrop highlights

Automatically sync your Raindrop highlights and notes by highlighting them in Raindrop (without leaving the app)

Customer profile user interface

Quickly capture highlights in seconds

Never lose your train of thought - Install the Tressel Chrome extension to save thoughts in seconds by just highlighting them in your browser!

Inbox user interface

Get highlights sent to you by email

Resurface content you save during the day and week via daily digest/weekly highlight emails

Customer profile user interface

Export to Evernote

Tressel will automatically create and sync to a new notebook in your Evernote library with all your saved content

“I struggle with a massive backlog of Twitter bookmarks that I never end up looking at. Tressel is handy for sending them to Evernote where I can see them and use them as I write...”

Testimonial Avatar
Josh Pitzalis, Entrepreneur
Inbox user interface

Export to Notion

Find your saved content waiting for you in an automatically created database inside your Notion workspace

Customer profile user interface

Export to Obsidian

Have your saved content automatically sync to a new folder in your Obsidian vault in Markdown files

“I've been using @tresselapp for my Obsidian workflow to fill the missing gap integrating twitter to my knowledge base. Pretty neat integration, effortless and nice formatting for the threads.”

Testimonial Avatar
Lucas Vanagas
Inbox user interface

Recently Saved

Check out content users have been saving (saved content visibility can be disabled in preferences)



Get started with a 7-day free trial today!


For unlocking your consumption/creation workflow

$5 /mo

Start your 7-day free trial

What's included

  • Import Reddit posts and comments privately by saving
  • Import Kindle highlights automatically via Chrome extension
  • Import Pocket highlights automatically
  • Import Instapaper highlights automatically
  • Import annotations/highlights automatically
  • Import Raindrop highlights automatically
  • Import Hacker News favourites automatically
  • Quick capture highlights in seconds via Chrome extension
  • Daily and weekly highlight emails to resurface content you've saved
  • Sync to Notion, Obsidian & Evernote
  • Syncs every 2 minutes
  • ...All future updates/integrations (locked in at this price)

Frequently asked questions

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Check out our Help Center

You can find instructions/guides on how to import and export content from all your favourite apps

Ready to dive in?

Effortlessly send content from all over the Internet to your notes (Notion, Obsidian & Evernote) to complement your workflow

Get started for free
App screenshot